Saturday, November 28, 2009

Differentiating Styles of Women in Corporate India

Forum for Women in Leadership

"Creating Women Business Leaders:
Differentiating Styles of Women Executives"

A Case Study of Women in Corporate India
November 2009

We are most fortunate to be living through times of high transition in business and society, and those who will embrace the challenges and winds of change -- will also be the authentic leaders who will be well rewarded with high distinction, stature, and profits of innovative thinking.

The increasing commitment of women executives to become a part of this changing business format, and the differentiating styles of leadership that women are bringing to their roles across organizations -- is forever changing the way companies are responding to future markets, ethical leadership, and defining talent for the fast-growing economies.

At the same time, there continues to be some resistance among companies and CEOs in recognizing this strong, active, nurturing, and collaborative style that women are bringing to company boards and top-management -- and it will be the endeavor of this survey report to place on record the reality of what the women leadership styles are conveying to building business, intellectual, and social capital for companies.

Although the survey has been conducted in corporate India only, we believe that the conclusions and indicators are universal in their application to companies and women executives worldwide.

We hope that this report will provide a realistic tool for mentoring the minds of top-management and enabling women to understand their potentials and strength -- and take us all one more step forward in the mission for building women in leadership.

We invite you to continue your contributions and thought-leadership on this mission and mandate.

Poonam Barua
Founder Convener
Forum for Women in Leadership


  1. Hi Poonam,
    I accidentally came across your blog today and am so glad that I did.
    It is true that diversity is lacking in Indian corporate boardrooms, but is it because women are not willing to come on board for a multitude of reasons, including the need to have an optimal work-life balance?
    All said and done, the woman plays a pivotal role in being a care giver on the home front, even if she has in many ways broken the glass ceiling at the work place.
    I hope to continue to visit your blog.
    Best regards,

  2. Dear Ms. Poonam Barua

    Hi, I am a PhD scholar at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences researching Sexual Harassment at Workplace.

    Did your survey this aspect of employment? What is your position on the same?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Warm Regards
    Anagha Sarpotdar
